Smart Cargo Express

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long will it take for my box to arrive?

    Approx 60 days after pickup, depending upon destination

  2. When will you pickup my box?

    After you complete the Pickup/dropoff request form

  3. How do I track the status of my box while it’s in transit?

    Press Here for our business partner in the Philippines and enter the number on your packing sheet (ex. SCE-12345)

  4. How much do you charge

    Please see our Pickups page

  5. Can I use my own box?

    Yes. Pricing is pro-rated based on size of your box

  6. Can I ship electrical items (such as TVs)?


  7. Do you have packing materials?

    Yes, we can drop those off to you when we drop-off your empty boxes

  8. Can I ship extra-large items (such as furniture?)

    Yes. Please contact us for pricing

  9. Do you ship the contents of an entire house?

    Yes, and we’ll pack it for you too!!!